
hagiographers, writers, poets, scholars, musicians and architects
have left a rich legacy to Corfu: their work.
The cultural heritage of previous centuries is carried on
today by some very significant people. Who are they and what
are their activities?
Corfu's Philharmonic orchestras are world-famous. Which are
they, when and what they play.
In a Corfu reminiscent of the setting for a dream, the shows
and concerts could only take place in similar surroundings.
Where to see the events all year round.
In the artist's Corfu there are many places where work is
on display that is of more than local interest.
The religious beliefs of the Corfiots, and Saint Spiridon.
All the procession.
When they take place and why.
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The Philharmonic Orchestras of Corfu are renowned throughout
the world. They owe their establishment to the general climate
in which clubs and societies flourished in Europe during the 19th
century, a climate with which the Corfiot studying at European
universities had become familiar.The opportunity for the formation
of the first Philharmonic society arose during the period of the
British Protectorate, when a British military band performed at
the island's important events. In 1837 however, the British refused
to provide musical accompaniment for Orthodox processions. The
Corfiots' reply came three years later, in 1840, when the Philharmonic
Society of Corfu was founded. The enthusiastic response to rally
round the Society resulted in a surplus of supporters, which in
turn led to the creation of a new philharmonic band. With the
passage of time the tendency to form similar musical groups extended
to the whole island and thus today Corfu has 18 philharmonic orchestras.
They are all non-profit making companies with the aim of extending
musical education, providing scholarships to exceptional students,
and performing at celebrations and events both in and outside