Artists, hagiographers, writers, poets, scholars, musicians and architects have left a rich legacy to Corfu: their work.


The cultural heritage of previous centuries is carried on today by some very significant people. Who are they and what are their activities?

Corfu's Philharmonic orchestras are world-famous. Which are they, when and what they play.

In a Corfu reminiscent of the setting for a dream, the shows and concerts could only take place in similar surroundings. Where to see the events all year round.


In the artist's Corfu there are many places where work is on display that is of more than local interest.

The religious beliefs of the Corfiots, and Saint Spiridon.

All the procession.

When they take place and why.



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The Philharmonic Society of Corfu

The Philharmonic Orchestras of Corfu are renowned throughout the world. They owe their establishment to the general climate in which clubs and societies flourished in Europe during the 19th century, a climate with which the Corfiot studying at European universities had become familiar.The opportunity for the formation of the first Philharmonic society arose during the period of the British Protectorate, when a British military band performed at the island's important events. In 1837 however, the British refused to provide musical accompaniment for Orthodox processions. The Corfiots' reply came three years later, in 1840, when the Philharmonic Society of Corfu was founded. The enthusiastic response to rally round the Society resulted in a surplus of supporters, which in turn led to the creation of a new philharmonic band. With the passage of time the tendency to form similar musical groups extended to the whole island and thus today Corfu has 18 philharmonic orchestras. They are all non-profit making companies with the aim of extending musical education, providing scholarships to exceptional students, and performing at celebrations and events both in and outside Corfu.

The Mantzaros Philharmonic Society

Founded in 1890, it has functioned without interruption for 110 years, providing free musical education to the young people of Corfu. The orchestra takes part in all the local events, but it is worth pointing out the recognition it has achieved outside Corfu.It has participated with great success in two festivals in Bulgaria (1982 and 1985), has earned prizes at a similar festival in Vienna in 1996, and was awarded the highest honours by the Academy of Athens in 1987. More than 200 students today take part in the various musical sections. There are 130 musicians in the performing body, 70 in the band, 45 in the light music section, and 20 musicians in the chamber music section


The 'Omonia' Philharmonic Society of Gastouri

On 10th March 1898 the 'Mutual Benefit Association of Gastouri' was founded. At one of its meetings the idea was put forward to form a musical group as a philharmonic band, as well as a drama school and theatre. From that day to the present the band has been in existence without a break, with 260 members of whom 88 are active. The Philharmonic Society is housed in a private building which was donated to the association in 1906 by Margarita Pofanti.


The Philharmonic Society of Skripero

Founded on 3 May 1909 as a development of the choral society which was established a few years earlier.
Since 1957 it has been housed in an old mansion which has recently been renovated and transformed into a modern concert-hall. The Philharmonic orchestra takes part in all the events of the village and the surrounding district and s always present at events organized by the Municipality of Palaiocastritsa.

The Musical and Artistic Association of Lefkimmi

The Musical and Artistic Association of Lefkimmi was founded on 21st May 1910 under the name 'Philharmonic Brotherhood of Lefkimmi'. A few years earlier, however,in 1902, the leading Corfiot musician, Eustathios Bakolis, had arrived in Lefkimmi,setting up the informal 'Music School of Lefkimmi', which was the forerunner of the Association. It takes part without charge in all the local events (community, religious, cultural, national holidays, etc).Over 100 musicians make up the following sections:a) band with wind and percussion instruments, musical theory, b) band for young musicians up to 15 years of age which already has many performances to its credit, c) a variety orchestra which was formed at the end of 1993 to high standards, d) a choir of approximately 40 members. This is where both sophisticated songs and traditional ballads are performed. In addition, within the framework of the Philharmonic there is a dance group (1995) with about 25 young female dancers, a cultural group which organises lectures, speeches etc. Finally, it should be noted that since 1985 the Association has organized the annual festival which takes place on 15th August and is the major event of the summer


The Philharmonic Society of Lefkimmi

Founded in 1911 under the name 'Apollo Music Society' which in 1953 was changed to its present name. Its aim is to teach and promote music, the theatre, fine arts and in general the growth and development of the cultural level of the residents of Lefkimmi. It has been invited to take part in events in various towns in Greece. Its long-term contribution has not been confined to music, however. Its theatrical performances, chiefly post-war, were an important factor in the entertainment of the local people during a particularly hard time. The Society consists of 110 members under the direction of band leader Spiros Samoilis, and maintains an orchestra, band, and dance group (noted for the 'kantrillies', a traditional Carnival dance).

The Kinopiastes Philharmonic Society

The Philharmonic Society of Kinopiastes in the Municipality of Achilleion was founded in 1966 by music-loving inhabitants of the village, anxious to encourage the musical ambitions of the local youth. Since 1969 the band has performed in local events in the village and surrounding area, and has taken part in the processions of Saint Spiridon in Corfu town. In recent years it has also performed in a number of larger towns throughout Greece. There are about 80 members in the music group and there are about 35 students studying music with the band. The Society also maintains a Junior Choir with about 50 children aged between 8 and 15 years


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