Holy Saturday

On Holy Saturday, at 6 a.m. in the morning, the custom of 'the earthquake' is carried out at the Church of the Blessed Virgin of Strangers. This is a re-enactment of the earthquake which took place after the Resurrection, as described in the Bible. Later, at 9 a.m., the procession of Saint Spiridon, which was consecrated in 1550 when the Saint saved the island from famine, takes place. The Saint shares the stage with the Epitaphios of his own church, a custom which was established during Venetian times when, for reasons of security, epitaphios processions were forbidden, whereas the procession of the Saint was permitted to take place. The accompanying orchestras play Michelli's 'Calde Lacrime', Faccio's "Hamlet' and Beethoven's Funeral March.
At 11 a.m. the First Resurrection and the 'Pot Throwing' custom take place, and the local people throw pots out of their windows, smashing them onto the streets below. This noisy custom, originating with the Venetians, began in the town and spread to the villages. The Venetians used to throw all their old and useless objects out of the window on January 1st each year, so that the New Year might bring them new ones. The Corfiots adopted this custom and moved it to their great Easter celebration. Nowadays, instead of throwing out old crockery, the people use big, specially made pots (called a 'botis'), filled with water to make a louder crash. Another explanation for the custom gives it a pagan provenance. At Easter, nature starts its new year and re-awakens after winter. The fruits are collected in new receptacles, throwing out the old ones. After the breaking of the pots, the philharmonic orchestras tour the streets playing joyful songs. At Pinia, the old commercial centre of the town, the custom of the 'mastelas' (washtub) has been revived. A half-barrel decorated with myrtle and ribbons is filled with water, and passers-by are invited to throw coins into it for good luck. When the first bell sounds for the Resurrection, someone jumps into the barrel and collects up the money. In old times the diver was not a volunteer but an unsuspecting passer-by, thrown in against his will.
In Paxos, a unique and traditional 'First Resurrection' ceremony takes place at Agios Iakovas at Fountana, where with the first chant of 'Christ is Risen' the congregation beats the pews rhythmically, while outside chaos reigns, with gunfire, firecrackers and fireworks. In the villages in general, after the First Resurrection, the pascal lambs are slaughtered and their blood is used to paint a cross on the door lintels.
On Holy Saturday evening, before the Orthodox ceremony takes
place, you may attend the Catholic service at the Duomo Cathedral.
With the participation of all Church officials, the Resurrection
service finishes here at 11 pm, to permit the clergy time to prepare
themselves for the Orthodox service. All over Greece the ceremony
takes place on a platform outside the church. In some Corfiot
villages , indeed, it is the custom to close the doors of the
church, and with the cry of "Christ is Risen' (Christos Anesti)
the priest, having made three circuits of the church while chanting,
kicks open the central door and enters, singing the psalm 'Enter,enter
by the Grace of God'. In Corfu Town, the service is held in the
Upper Esplanade Square, starting at the Church of Agia Paraskevi,
with the participation of the Bishop, the philharmonic orchestras,
and thousands of people.
Resurrection is seen in with a roll of drums and an impressive
firework display, and when this ends the bands traverse the streets
of the town at a great pace playing cheerful music, with people
running behind them singing. The party has only just begun, and
will last until dawn. The Resurrection is celebrated and the Lenten
fast is broken with chilihourda (the local Easter soup), red eggs,
fogatsa (brioche), columbines (a special bread of Venetian origin,
baked in the form of a dove) and of course lots of wine. "Good
evening brothers and sisters , the season's greetings. Lent which
lasted seven weeks is over. Lent, when we were sad, is over, and
now all the world is joyful because Christ is risen, and Christians
everywhere are glad". This is from an Easter carol, which children
would sing late on Holy Saturday evening.
Easter Sunday

At 7 a.m. on Easter Sunday morning, churches in town which possess
an icon of the Resurrection parade it around the central streets,
something which is well worth seeing. The parades finish at around
10 a.m. but the great Easter Celebration is far from over. If
you were up all night, then now is the time to snatch a little
sleep, or if not, what would you say to a trip into the countryside?
Alternatively, the town offers an Easter lunch party at the New
Fortress Naval Base at 11.30 a.m. and a parade of the Resurrection
icon from the Church of Agia Triada (Holy Trinity) in Garitsa
at 6.30 p.m.
In Corfu, unlike the rest of Greece, the spit-roasted lamb is
a recent introduction as a custom, and is not traditionally part
of the Easter menu. Here they eat egg and lemon soup (avgolemono)
at lunchtime, made with 2 or 3 different kinds of meat, and they
leave the lamb for the next day. They crack red-dyed eggs one
against the other and stick the shell on doors or throw it into
the garden to bless the harvest.
"New Week"

The week following Easter is called 'enia' or 'nia', meaning 'new', and the days are called accordingly 'New Monday', 'New Tuesday', etc. It is a very holy time and many events take place.
On Easter Monday processions take place throughout the
island. Early in the morning, after the services, each church
brings out its standard and its Cross. The standard is especially
tall and heavy, and is carried by the strongest young man, who
regards the duty as a great honour.
In Lefkimmi, the Church of the Annunciation at Potami sets out
first, and, passing through each parish, leads the others into
the procession. They join to form a huge parade which heads for
the river. When two churches meet, 'maskoulas' (home-made bombs)
are thrown.
are made from metal pipes filled with gunpowder and sealed at
the end with corn or wood, leaving a small hole for the fuse.
The competition for the most powerful 'bomb' is dangerous, and
you should keep your distance. The churches south of the river
begin their parade with the church of Agios Isavros in Melikia
leading the way, following a route corresponding to the other
procession, and the two parades meet at the river bridge, where
they say communal prayers. After the processions, the people go
home to roast their pascal lamb.
In Paxos the same procedure is followed, with the difference
that the main icon of each church is placed in another church
for a period of time, during which daily prayer services are held.
Specifically, the icon of the Virgin leaves the island opposite
Gaios and goes to Velianitika for twenty days. The icons of Agios
Haralambos and Eleousa leave Gaios and go to Bogdanatika for a
week. Finally, the icon of Ypapanti goes to Lakka, where it stays
until the celebration of Zoodohou Pigis, whereafter it continues
to Loggos and Magazia before returning to its own church.
On Easter Tuesday at five in the afternoon, at the Church
of Saint Spiridon, the Saint is returned to his casket, in a ceremony
known as the 'basmata'.
On the Friday after Easter the celebration of the Source
of Life (Zoodohos Pigi) occurs, and festivals take place all over
the island, the most impressive being that of Palaiokastritsa,
while particularly lively celebrations go on in Kato Korakiana,
Dassia and Chlomos.
On the Sunday after Easter, Saint Thomas' Day there is
a procession and dancing at Episkepsis and a festival at Sidari.