The history of wine and the varieties to be found today.

Detailed map of the island's vineyards

Be inspired by dishes derived from Corfiot history and tradition.

Find out about the restaurants and tavernas of Corfu.

Where to find gifts for your gourmet friends





I sapori a Corfu

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It is a fact that on this island to present a table laid with food is a major concern; the right food for the right season. Sofritto on Sundays, pastitsada at celebrations, bianco and horta (boiled greens) for everyday meals, and always home-made wine. In winter there is bourdetto or beans and renga (kippered herrings), salt cod and skordalia (garlic sauce) on March 25th (to celebrate both the Annunciation and Independence Day). Egg and lemon soup is on the table at Easter . In spring there's a dish of artichokes and broad beans , during summer tomato salad and fish, and whatever wine is left.

Corfiot cuisine is typically Mediterranean. While it makes use of the usual ingredients, like oil, pepper, pulses, pasta and vegetables, the cuisine differs from that of the rest of Greece because of climatological conditions and certain customs of the Venetians. Certainly you will find moussaka and village salad, but it is worth searching for the authentic traditional cuisine of Corfu, the history of which began long ago.

Due to lack of game in Corfu, the people lived on the products of the soil and the sea. The soil gave them olives for oil, pulses, vegetables and greens, and from the sea came fish and shellfish in abundance. They tended to cook in casseroles rather than by frying or roasting. Of course, casserole cooking is popular all over Greece, but in Corfu, particularly in the countryside, it is habitual. From the beginning, the island's peasants always lived in poverty and misery, a situation which intensified during the centuries under Venetian rule, due to the imposition of a policy of monoculture of olives at the expense of other crops. The peasants made their own bread, oil and wine, they picked wild and cultivated greens from the fields and caught fish; then they cooked everything together and ate it with lots of broth in which to dip their bread.

.. Today, you will find briam and other Turkish-style dishes, which were introduced by Greeks who fled to Corfu from the Turkish-occupied mainland. From the Venetians came many dishes with pasta and meat of various kinds. You will also find delicious fresh fish, because the Corfiots (especially taverna-owners) continue to fish and cook their catch in many different ways.


Corfiot dishes

Horta (wild greens): a very typical everyday peasant meal, which in Lefkimmi the housewives would boil and serve in a deep bowl, with all the broth, adding lots of lemon juice, fresh olive oil and wine. According to tradition, the farmer would drink this soup and then add more oil and lemon to enjoy the greens, while drinking another two or three 'cups' of wine, this time out of a glass..

Bianco (from the Italian for white): consists of fish (usually whiting, Scorpion fish or grey mullet) cooked in a casserole with lemon juice, garlic, and of course, black pepper. It is one of the island's most typical dishes

Bourdetto is made with a firm-fleshed fish, usually Scorpion fish, cooked in a sauce containing plenty of red pepper. It can also be made with salt cod, which - even if the Corfiots don't catch it themselves - is much enjoyed.

Stakofisi: is what the rich used to make their bourdetto with. The word derives from the English 'stockfish', a dried fish which is only edible after a week's soaking in continuously renewed seawater.

Savoro: or savouri, is fried fish in a sauce of rosemary, vinegar, garlic and raisins. It is usually eaten on March 25th or on Palm Sunday.

Pitta: is usually made with small fish such as sardines or anchovies, cooked in the oven with a sauce of oil, tomato, spring onions, garlic, red pepper and a little flour.

Pastitsada: the real, home-made village version is made with cockerel cooked in a casserole with fresh tomatoes, onion, cinnamon and lots of paprika, served with thick pasta. In many restaurants you will find it made with beef instead. This does not represent a degeneration of the recipe, since it derives from the Venetian spezzatino, a dish made with beef rather than cockerel and served with potatoes instead of pasta. Pastitsada is the favourite of the locals for special occasions and holidays.

Easter Lamb: is roasted on the spit as elsewhere in Greece, with the difference that in Corfu it is generally eaten on Easter Monday.

Avgolemono: a soup of broth, egg and lemon, which in Corfu is made with beef and the addition of lamb, and is the traditional dish of Easter Sunday.

Avgolemono 2: another version made with beef and turkey wings and neck added for extra flavour . This is cooked on Christmas Day.

Soffrito: consists of beef stewed in a white sauce with white pepper and garlic, and goes well with mashed potatoes or pasta. It is a dish of Franko-Venetian origin

Tsigarelli: a dish of wild greens sautéed with garlic and hot paprika.

Tsilihourda: (which the rest of Greece calls mayeritsa) is the traditional soup which is cooked on the evening of Easter Saturday to be eaten after the Resurrection ceremony.



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